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"We are an Open Book! - Let's Compare Everything."

Our Minimum Shared Hosting Specs Vs Others: Shared Hosting WordPress Hosting Core Hosting Others Better or Worse?
Physical Memory4 GB 6 GB 8 GB,
10 GB (Core X)
256 MBYou decide!
I/O Usage6 MB 6 MB 8 MB,
10 MB (Core X)
512 KBYou decide!
IOPS1,024 4,096 4,096,
6,144 (Core X)
N/AYou decide!
Entry Processes30 80 100,
120 (Core X)
10You decide!
INODE300K (Single Domain),
500K (Multi Domain)
300K (Single Domain),
500K (Multi Domain)
500K N/AYou decide!
CloudLinux9.5 9.5 9.5 N/AYou decide!
(HTTP/3 Supported)
(2024 Version)
(2024 Version)
(2024 Version)
N/AYou decide!
WP Toolkit
(2024 Version)
(2024 Version)
(2024 Version)
N/AYou decide!
(WordPress, Laravel,
Prestashop, etc)
(2024 Version)
(2024 Version)
(2024 Version)
N/AYou decide!
cPanel124.0+ 124.0+ 124.0+
MySQL8.0+ 8.0+ 8.0+
Apache2.4+ 2.4+ 2.4+
PHP8.4+ 8.4+ 8.4+
NodeJSN/A N/A 22.1+
PythonN/A N/A 13.1+
RubyN/A N/A 3.2+
phpMyAdmin5.2+ 5.2+ 5.2+
Image File Space5 GB
The total size of
uploaded image files
must not exceed 5GB
This includes file types
such as JPG, JPEG, PNG,
GIF, WebP, and others
5 GB
The total size of
uploaded image files
must not exceed 5GB
This includes file types
such as JPG, JPEG, PNG,
GIF, WebP, and others
5 GB
The total size of
uploaded image files
must not exceed 5GB
This includes file types
such as JPG, JPEG, PNG,
GIF, WebP, and others
User Backup(s) CreationSupported
Not allowed to keep
backups at the host
(for redundancy purposes)
All backups will be
removed from the host
24 hours after creation
Not allowed to keep
backups at the host
(for redundancy purposes)
All backups will be
removed from the host
24 hours after creation
Not allowed to keep
backups at the host
(for redundancy purposes)
All backups will be
removed from the host
24 hours after creation
(FTP over explicit TLS)
Supported Supported Supported
SMTP/IMAP/POP3Supported Supported Supported
SSL/TLSSupported Supported Supported
CloudFlare/QUICSupported Supported Supported
Sitejet BuilderSupported Supported Supported
Site Quality Monitoring
Supported Supported Supported
LiteSpeed Web Cache
Supported Supported Supported
AccelerateWPN/A N/A Supported
Website Optimization
Supported Supported Supported
Cron JobsSupported Supported Supported
PHP Version SelectorSupported Supported Supported
PHP Extensions
(curl, dom, imagick,
json, mysqli, pdo,
redis, xml, zlib, etc)
Supported Supported Supported
PEAR PackagesSupported Supported Supported
Perl ModulesSupported Supported Supported
Ruby GemsN/A N/A Supported
Supported Supported Supported
JSONSupported Supported Supported
(Client-side library)
Supported Supported Supported
Supported Supported Supported
Firewall ProtectionSupported Supported Supported
ModSecurity Tools
Supported Supported Supported
Brute Force
Supported Supported Supported
Supported Supported Supported
Directory Privacy
Supported Supported Supported
Hotlink ProtectionSupported Supported Supported
Leech ProtectionSupported Supported Supported
imunify ProtectionSupported Supported Supported
Premium Rated Hosting Specs:
Limit Terms
Bandwidth Unmetered -
Web Space Unmetered Should only be used for website related files
Subdomains 999+ Should only be used for website related functions - Not allowed to host 3rd party websites as subdomains
MySQL® Databases 999+ -
Email Accounts 999+ -
= Industry best hosting specs
Unmetered Hosting Policy – Explained
There is no cap on the disk space we provide to deliver the content of your website. As long as you are fully compliant with our Terms of Service and utilize storage for the normal operation of your website, you will have access to unlimited space. Please keep in mind that in a few cases, we have had to work with customers to reduce the number of files they are using. Typically, these file counts are in the tens of thousands, and we've been able to help our customers manage them effectively.
Important**: File sharing and video streaming are not allowed.
We have no set limits when it comes to bandwidth — which is the amount of traffic and data that flows between your website and the rest of the internet — and our architecture was built to support more than 99.5% of our customers' bandwidth demands. Because we offer what is known as a shared architecture, our customers share both the hardware and the "pipes" we use to transmit data across the web, so we do monitor bandwidth to ensure optimum performance for our customers. Again, we are able to support more than 99.5% of customers with no issues at all. However, in some wonderful cases, customers become so successful that their traffic and data transfer outgrow our shared architecture. When that happens, we work with the customer to identify scalable solutions, such as our Virtual Private Servers.