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Domain + Hosting Rates - "Best .COM & .LK Offers in Sri Lanka"

.LK + Hosting:
Package Name Package Includes 1st Year Renew
LK+ .LK Domain + Unmetered Hosting + Optimized 5GB SSD Space Rs 12450 Rs 12450 (Hosting) + Rs 4700 (Domain)
LK++ .LK Domain + Unmetered Hosting + Unmetered SSD Space Rs 12950 Rs 12950 (Hosting) + Rs 4700 (Domain)
WP++ with LK Domain .LK Domain + Unmetered WordPress Optimized Hosting + Unmetered SSD Space Rs 14950 Rs 14950 (Hosting) + Rs 4700 (Domain)

.COM + Hosting | .NET + Hosting | .ORG + Hosting:
Package Name Package Includes 1st Year Renew
COM+ | NET+ | ORG+ Domain + Unmetered Hosting + Optimized 5GB SSD Space Rs 12450 Rs 12450 (Hosting) + Domain Renew Fee
COM++ | NET++ | ORG++ Domain + Unmetered Hosting + Unmetered SSD Space Rs 12950 Rs 12950 (Hosting) + Domain Renew Fee
WP++ with Domain Domain + Unmetered WordPress Optimized Hosting + Unmetered SSD Space Rs 14950 Rs 14950 (Hosting) + Domain Renew Fee

Hosting Only Packages:
Package Name Package Includes 1st Year Renew
Hosting 1+ Package Unmetered Hosting for 1 Domain Rs 12950 Rs 13950
Hosting 3+ Package Unmetered Hosting for 3 Domains Rs 16950 Rs 17950
Hosting++ Package Unmetered Hosting for Unlimited Domains** Rs 22400 Rs 27500

Domain Prices:
Package Name Package Includes 1st Year Renew
.LK 1 .LK Domain Rs 3700 Rs 4700
.COM 1 .COM domain Rs 4700 Rs 5000
.NET 1 .NET Domain Rs 4700 Rs 5000
.ORG 1 .ORG domain Rs 4700 Rs 5000
.XYZ 1 .XYZ Domain Rs 4500 Rs 4500
Domain Restoration Notice:

After 30 days from the domain expiry date, .COM, .NET, .ORG, .XYZ, and other TLDs/CCTLDs will enter the "Redemption Period" as enforced by the respective domain registry. During this period, the domain must be restored before it can be renewed. The restoration fees are as follows:

.COM - LKR 42,000
.NET - LKR 32,000
.ORG - LKR 32,000
.XYZ - LKR 24,000

These fees are in addition to the regular domain renewal charges. For restoration fees of other domain extensions, please contact us directly.

LK Domain Prices for Foreign Registrants:

LK Domain Registry have decided to charge foreign Registrants and Organizations in USD pricing with effect from 12th July 2022. All such Proforma Invoices will be generated in LKR, where the USD amounts will be converted into LKR at the equivalent exchange rate on the day of the Proforma Invoice is generated. Please find the Pricing Structure applicable for all Foreign customers below.

LK Category Category Includes 1st Year Renew
Standard (CAT1) - Full Domain Package Top level domain including the available Second-Level Domains-,,, and 50 USD 50 USD
Economy (CAT2) - Top Level Domain Only e.g. 30 USD 30 USD
Budget (CAT3) - Second Level Domain Only e.g., etc. 10 USD 10 USD
Premium (CAT4) - Two Letter Domain Names, Numeric Names (2-7digits) & Other Premium Names e.g., or any domain categorized as Premium Name. 250 USD 250 USD
Desirable (CAT5) - Three Letter Domain Names, Numeric Names (8-10 digits) & Other Desirable Names e.g., or any domain categorized as Desirable Name. 100 USD 100 USD

** All domains hosted with Hosting++ should be registered with us.
= Industry best rate

Premium Rated Hosting Specs: Shared Hosting Limit WordPress Hosting Limit Terms
Bandwidth Unmetered Unmetered Unmetered bandwidth is given for genuine counts
Web Space 5GB SSD or Unmetered SSD (++ Packages) Unmetered SSD Should only be used for website related files
Email Accounts Unmetered Unmetered -
Email Space 200 Million Emails or 10000 MB (whichever comes first) for ++ Packages 200 Million Emails or 10000 MB (whichever comes first) Once you exceed the limit, you can purchase an Email Package
MySQL® Databases Unmetered Unmetered -
FTP Accounts Unmetered Unmetered -
Subdomains 999+ 999+ Should only be used for website related functions - Not allowed to host 3rd party websites as subdomains
Backup(s) Creation Unmetered Unmetered Not allowed to keep backups at the host (for redundancy purposes)
Emails/Hour 90 90 -
What you can, cannot do? File sharing and video streaming (as a main function of your website) File sharing and video streaming (as a main function of your website) File sharing and video streaming in big numbers are not allowed in shared hosting packages
Change of Host's Domain Name Not Allowed Not Allowed You can not change the Domain Name of the Hosting Package in the first year - Its possible at renewal
INODE Limit 300,000 Inode Limit for Single Domain Hosting Packages
500,000 Inode Limit for Multi-Domain Hosting Packages
300,000 Inode Limit for Single Domain Hosting Packages
500,000 Inode Limit for Multi-Domain Hosting Packages
Cron Job Limit 15 minutes 15 minutes Your Host limits Cron Jobs on shared servers to run in increments no less than every 15 minutes as excessive Cron Jobs can cause unnecessary loads on the Host
Image File Space 5GB 5GB The total size of uploaded image files must not exceed 5GB
This includes file types such as JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, WebP, and others
= Industry best hosting specs
Unmetered Hosting Policy – Explained
There is no cap on the disk space we provide to deliver the content of your website. As long as you are fully compliant with our Terms of Service and utilize storage for the normal operation of your website, you will have access to unlimited space. Please keep in mind that in a few cases, we have had to work with customers to reduce the number of files they are using. Typically, these file counts are in the tens of thousands, and we've been able to help our customers manage them effectively.
Important**: File sharing and video streaming are not allowed in Shared Hosting.
We have no set limits when it comes to bandwidth — which is the amount of traffic and data that flows between your website and the rest of the internet — and our architecture was built to support more than 99.5% of our customers' bandwidth demands. Because we offer what is known as a shared architecture, our customers share both the hardware and the "pipes" we use to transmit data across the web, so we do monitor bandwidth to ensure optimum performance for our customers. Again, we are able to support more than 99.5% of customers with no issues at all. However, in some wonderful cases, customers become so successful that their traffic and data transfer outgrow our shared architecture. When that happens, we work with the customer to identify scalable solutions, such as our Virtual Private Servers.
Domain Registration Process - Step-by-Step:
1. Search your domain and "add to cart".
2. "Checkout" your order by paying via "Card" or "Bank".
3. will review and confirm your order.
4. If you are checking-out a .LK domain, "More Information Required" email will be sent to you.
5. Once you reply to that email, "Hostmaster" will confirm your .LK order.
6. Once steps 1 - 5 are done, your order will be added to your Control Panel in 5 - 20 minutes.
Welcome to the Sri Lanka's fastest domain and hosting registration system. Here's how long it really takes:
Registration/ Activation time: Appear in your control panel: Server propagation time: Documents needed:
.COM & Other TLDs Instant 5 minutes (average) 5 - 20 minutes (average) none
.LK Instant 5 minutes (average) 1 - 7 business day(s) (average) none*
Hosting Packages Instant 5 minutes (average) 5 - 20 minutes (average) none
*.LK Domain Rules:

Supporting documents are required for following domain registrations:

a. Schools – a letter from the Principal
b. Religious places –a letter from the Head Priest/Head
c. Banking related domains – copy of the license from the Central Bank of Sri Lanka
d. Insurance related domains – copy of the license from the Insurance Board of Sri Lanka
e. Sports related domains – approval from the Ministry of Sports or relevant authorized body.
f. Gambling related domains – approval from Ministry of Finance
g. Political parties – Letter from the General Secretary of the Party
h. Associations/Unions –a Letter from the Secretary of the Association / union.
i. University related domains – a Letter from the Vice-Chancellor.
j. Other similar domain – a letter from an appropriate person.
Domain Names may only be used for legitimate purposes under the Laws of Sri Lanka, and in accordance with our Policies. - Else they may be de-registered.

The following names will generally not be registered:

1. Any name that in the opinion of the registrar suggests or is deemed to suggest the patronage of the President of Sri Lanka or any connection with the Government or any Government Department, Municipality, or other Local Authority, or with any society or body incorporated by an Act of Parliament, unless the applicant provides evidence that use of such name has been approved by the relevant Government Authority.
2. Personal names/ Country names
3. Towns, Provinces and abbreviations thereof. (e.g.,,,, etc.)
4. Names that may be offensive, obscene, or grossly misleading to any accepted religion, race, culture, or tradition of Sri Lanka.
5. Names denoting Professions, Internet Services, Sports etc.
6. Internet Services (e.g.,,,,, etc.)
7. They may not be registered under .lk, but may be registered under open second levels or to organizations or associations that represent the relevant industry as a whole. However, by adding a prefix or suffix to a generic name and any generic name that starts with "e” or "e-" could be accepted.
8. E.g.:,,,
9. Sports – relevant authorized body/Ministry will be allowed to register.
10. Any name that indicates an activity for which a Government License is required and in such case the name will be allowed on production of the license (banking, insurance, liquour, gambling etc.)
11. Any name which is misleading / closely related to existing Names, Organizations / Trademarks / Brands etc. of other parties will not be accepted unless the applicant is legally entitled to use such words.
12. Any other name which is grossly misleading to above.
If your order is taking more than the time mentioned (which rarely happens), please contact us via live chat:
IMPORTANT: You can start building your site as soon as your hosting package is visible in